While the legal framework and national strategies for protecting women against gender-based violence (GBV) and trafficking are in place, significant action needs to be taken at all levels and across a range of different actors to operationalize them to ensure women and girls are safe from various forms of GBV and trafficking.
MoWA works to provide legal assistant to women and girls through the development and implementation of a PBA. MoWA is working in tandem with development partners and line ministries to support the development and implementation of NAPVAW II, through the TWG-G Sub-Group on GBV. Line ministries to be involved include the Ministry of Interior (MoI), MoH, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), MoEYS, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), MoLVT, the Ministry of Planning (MoP) and others, including development partners and civil society organizations (CSOs).
MoWA plays an important role in coordinating and overseeing the implementation of NAPVAW II and the related PBA, which will involve a range of activities and actors. MoWA participates in developing and implementing the next National Plan of Action for the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labour and Sexual Exploitation (NPA-STSLS), which is led by MoI. Other gender and legal issues include civil registration, women’s awareness of their legal rights and access to justice.
MoWA’s role is that of a facilitating leader, catalyst and coordinator to reverse the entrenched discrimination against women and to ensure women can enjoy equal civic and legal protection. Because gender is a cross-cutting issue, it is challenging for MoWA to determine the scope of programs and resources for implementation, particularly for activities which are related to multiple ministries and institutions. MoWA’s role is to coordinate and monitor overall results of such programs, while implementing their own specific activities. Relevant ministries and institutions need to ensure that gender-specific activities are incorporated into programs and annual plans, and to mobilize resources for implementation of those activities.
In the 5th Mandate, the RGC will continue to implement key activities in accordance with the strategy for legal and judicial reform. MoWA will continue to participate in the implementation process of activities under this reform strategy to promote gender equality in laws, regulations and policies, as well as to increase the proportion of women in the judicial structure and justice system.